Education and Training in Liskeard
Cattle Market Makers
LISKEARD TOWN COUNCIL are running FREE courses in ARTS CRAFTS to help you build your wellbeing, confidence, skills, experience, opportunities and prospects.
If you live in Liskeard and you’re not currently in work, then these fun courses are designed for you. And, if you’re a parent, we may be able to help with childcare costs to help you take part in our sessions.
If you have mobility issues, we can also help with transport. Taking part does not affect your benefits.
Seetec Pluss: Health Works for Cornwall
In partnership with Cornwall Development Company, Pluss will be offering a helping hand to over 2,250 people who are out of work to support them to build confidence, improve wellbeing and move towards and into work.
We’ll be reaching out to Cornwall’s most rural and excluded communities to ensure that anyone with a health or wellbeing need can get the support they want and need.
Pluss will also be offering a specialist employment service to 400 people with a learning disability. Our participants will be at the very helm of the service, helping us to break down barriers, co-design and market the programme in a way that they feel works best.
Our support is tailored to each individual and will include:
- Help to build self-esteem, confidence and independence
- Understanding each individuals work, life and health aspirations
- Assisting with job search, CVs and interview techniques
- Arranging work trials, tasters and introductions to local employers
- In-work support for up to six months.
Health Works for Cornwall is co-financed by the European Social Fund.
We warmly welcome your referrals. Basically anyone can refer, any way they choose. As long as you are over 16 , ok to work in the UK and are out of work with a health or wellbeing need, we are here to help…
Please contact us at 07546 411 996 or for a friendly chat in the first instance. We’d love to hear from you.
Positive People
The Plus Positive People programme throughout Cornwall seeks to help anyone who is 18 years or older and is not currently in work. There is a range of funded support available. Positive People does not just help people back into employment, it is helping you to move forward and make positive changes to your life.
- Building Confidence and Motivation
- Supporting you to be active within your community
- Funding for learning opportunities
- Improving your Health & Wellbeing
- Move forwards towards education, volunteering, or work
- Finding the best way to help you move forwards, whatever that may be
For a friendly chat, and to learn more about how we can support you call/text or email Mandy.
Tel/Text: 07765 240785

The Project offers support to young people aged between 15 -24 years who are currently inactive and not engaged in education, employment or training.
We are able to offer mentoring to enable the young person identify a suitable pathway into education, employment or training which includes bespoke 1:1 sessions helping them improve their skills and outcomes.
Tel: 07734 605304
Whitehead Ross
Through active engagement we create meaningful relationships and support everyone to achieve their potential.
As an independent training provider, we deliver free, government funded courses. We are one of the few training providers who only offer funded courses (you can’t pay to train with us!), but that does not mean that they are of any less quality! They are all accredited and regulated and lead to a formal qualification upon completion.
Our programmes includes the Supporting Jobseekers in Cornwall Project which provides bespoke employability support and training. The COMPASS Programme for 16-24 year olds helps young people take the next steps toward employment or education, helping them get back on track.
Take a look at our website for more information.
The Springboard Programme
Have an idea but don’t know where to turn?
Do you want to set up a business that can benefit your community? Do you want to develop a passion into something more or discover business ideas that can make a difference?
If so, then we can help you. The SSE Springboard programme is designed for people like you and is delivered by local people. We give you space to gently explore your ideas from the comfort of your own home or amongst like minded people in face to face sessions.
Thinking of growing your passion or hobby into something more?
Let us support you to manage your inner critic and take that first step.
Springboard offers 12 hours FREE support in small group sessions, giving practical help and skills, confidence and connections with like minded people to help develop business ideas.
Cornwall’s SEND Local Offer
Cornwall’s SEND Local Offer describes the provision that is available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families.
Cornwall’s SEND Local Offer helps families by gathering in one place, the information that they need to know in order to make informed choices about the support they receive.
The SEND Local Offer section of the Care and Support in Cornwall website is also a good resource for the professionals working with children and young people with SEND.
Tel: 0800 587 8191