Liskeard Unlocked 2018


This year’s Liskeard Unlocked event will be held from 13th – 16th September.  It will give people an opportunity to visit properties and events around the town which aren’t usually open to the public, or that are putting on a special event.


Last year the event was a huge success and it all has to be free entry.


If you would like to take part you will need to submit a Registration Form to  If forms could be returned to the office by 8th May it would be good, although please get in touch if you can’t make that date and are interested in taking part.  The Insurance and Photo Terms of Use documents are also here which should be read and complied to.

Registration Form – this is a Word document that you can download and type directly into

Registration Form – this is a pdf document and can be downloaded and written on

HOD Insurance Cover

HOD Photo Terms of Use