Mental Health and Addiction Support in Liskeard
There are many organisations across Cornwall and nationally who are able to support people with a variety of concerns that can have an impact on mental health. Download our helpful list of contact details to see who is available to help.
There are more at the bottom of the page.
Cornwall Council have a dedicated webpage with mental health resources
Cornwall Samaritans
There for you to speak to day or night, if you are struggling to cope or at risk of suicide. Call 116 123 or email
Tel: 116 123
Cornwall NHS Mental Health Support Line
If you’re struggling with your mental health, you can contact Cornwall’s free 24/7 NHS mental health support line on 0800 038 5300.
In a crisis, always call 999
You are not alone
We Are With You
Formerly Addaction, We Are With You can help manage drug or alcohol use for you or a friend.
Get in touch with our free, confidential service and talk to one of our trained staff. We’re here to listen – you can tell us as little or as much as you want.
We’ll work with you on your own goals, whether that’s cutting down your drug or alcohol use, stopping completely or just getting a bit of advice.
We can also support you if you’re worried about someone else’s drinking or drug use.
Tel: 01579 340616
Man Down Liskeard
Man down is a friendly and informal personal support group for men with mental health concerns.
They have fortnightly meetings at the TICTAC building at Liskeard School & Community College. Alternate Thursdays, 7-9pm – check the Facebook page for dates
A friendly, informal and confidential meet up where you can talk or just listen.
Free refreshments and friendly support.
Newcomers always made most welcome.
SOAR Men’s Group
Soar is a group for men who seek to share and support each other through the journey of recovery; mental health; and faith. Join us for a coffee, a chocolate bar and to share the load with others!
The group runs every Wednesday from 5pm – 7pm.
The Cellars (Lower Car Park) St Martin’s Church Centre Church Street, Liskeard PL14 3AQ
Tel: 01579 342178

Rehab 4 Addiction
Rehab 4 Addiction offers a wealth of resources and information about addiction and mental health, which could be invaluable to those in need.
They provide a helpline that offers immediate assistance to those struggling with addiction in Cornwall.
And, they offer a comprehensive directory of treatment centres throughout the UK, making it easier for those in need to find help near them.
Free 24hr Helpline: 0800 140 4690

Lighthouse Community Centre
Lighthouse Health & Wellbeing Groups
We run health & wellbeing groups for ladies, men and girls who are struggling with their emotions or feeling isolated and lonely. The groups are focused on building confidence, improving self esteem, meeting new people and raising aspirations through talking and creative activities, all in a safe, warm and friendly environment.
As well as hanging out in the Centre socialising the groups we also offer a variety of other activities including Emotional Logic, paddlesports, cycling, trips and wellbeing workshops from external professionals.
Girls – Thursdays 6-8pm (term time only)
Ladies – Fridays 1-3pm and some Friday evenings for sport activities (Term time only)
Men – Fridays 6.30-8pm
Emotional Logic Teaching
We also offer Emotional Logic teaching as tailored one to one support or a group activity. Emotional Logic is a conversational skill, developed by medical professionals, to help people to make sense of their emotions and the positive reasons they are there. The Emotional Logic process gives people hope when they feel stuck, whether it be anxiety, depression, guilt or anger. It helps them feel that they are able to influence the direction their life is heading in by making considered, informed choices.
Through Emotional Logic we can train them to be trauma responsive; to understand the trauma they are experiencing and learn to develop personal, values based, solution focussed action plans to help them to move forward. We can help people to adapt to change and improve their mental health through learning the Emotional Logic method.
Lighthouse Peer Support Worker
We have partnered with Volunteer Cornwall and the NHS to provide a Peer Support Worker who will provide formalised peer support and practical assistance to service users and referrals from other agencies in order for them to regain control over their lives and their own unique recovery process where they are struggling with self harm or suicidal thoughts. Our peer support worker will come alongside each person through their journey, and assist them when taking initial steps in a number of areas, dependent on the stage of their personal recovery. For example, recovery activities, volunteering and getting involved in their local community.
Lighthouse Watersports Club
Lighthouse Watersports Club provides opportunities for people of any age and ability with the opportunity to enjoy paddlesports at an affordable price. In the world we now live in, it’s never been more important to find a way to get respite and release and paddlesports are a great way to do this. There are so many benefits from being out on the water and we’ve seen for ourselves how it has improved people’s health and wellbeing.
Kayaking is a fantastic low impact outdoor exercise activity that helps to enrich the mind, body and soul, people feel fully refreshed and ready to tackle life after a good paddle. Being on the water is known to help improve mental health and wellbeing. Stand Up Paddleboarding is an enjoyable, easy to learn alternative to traditional forms of training. It improves aerobic and anaerobic fitness, core strength and self-rated quality of life.
Our programme is available as a tailored one to one or group program. If you would like to know more or if you have a client, business, organisation that would benefit from this kind of support please do get in touch by completing the enquiry form.
Tel: 01579 344102 / Mobile: 07769 848307
Art/Gardening for Wellbeing
These courses are aimed at adults with mental health issues. This can be from very mild to long term, severe and enduring. The intent of the courses is to help improve adults’ wellbeing by taking part in a learning activity. Courses are free to those on benefits and a low income. People can self-refer or be referred by supporting agencies.
The sessions are relaxed and supportive. Experience is not needed. We have people from all walks of life – some have no formal education and some have had high flying careers. The courses below are currently taking place, check the website for new courses starting in September.
Introduction to Art for Wellbeing – Mondays 10am-4pm at Liskerrett Community Centre
Introduction to Gardening for Wellbeing – Wednesdays 10am-4pm at Liskerrett Community Centre
Tel: Tina Fox on 07795 334950 or 01209 617821
Alcoholics Anonymous
Meetings are held every Monday at the Liskerrett Centre, 7.30-9pm, more details on their website
It’s a friendly meeting where newcomers, returners and visitors are all welcome.
Tel: 0800 9177 650
Cocaine Anonymous
Hold weekly online Zoom meetings, more details on their website
Tel: 0800 612 0225
Cornwall Resources
- Integrated Cornwall Community Mental Health Teams
Tel: 0845 207 7711 (9am to 5pm)
- Mental Health Matters – out of hours telephone support 5pm – 9am weekdays and 24hrs on weekends and bank holidays):
Tel: 0800 001 4330 - Nightlink (5pm to midnight)
Nightlink is Cornwall’s free-phone listening service for anyone 18 years or over, who is experiencing or has experienced emotional distress.
Ph: 0808 800 0306
Text Service: 07717 989021
- Adult Social Care
0300 123 4131 - Children Social Care
0300 123 1116
National Resources
- ChildLine: a free helpline for children and young people in the UK.
0800 1111 - Suzy Lamplugh Trust: Anti-Stalking Helping
0808 802 0300 - SANEline: A national out-of-hours telephone helpline offering practical information, crisis care and emotional support to anybody affected by mental health problems.
0300 304 7000 - Alcoholics Anonymous
0800 9177 650 - Talk to Frank
Free confidential drugs information and advice 24 hours a day via email or telephone (calls from landlines are free and won’t show up on the phone bill).
0300 1236600