Public Information

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January 2025

Public Information January 2025

Advice on Seagull Control

Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, in normal circumstances, The Town Council Offices, 3/5 West Street, Liskeard are open to the Public from  9.00am – 1.00pm, except Bank Holidays or other official occasions.

Council & Committee Meetings

All meetings are open to the public to speak for the first 15 minutes. Any matters that members of the public wish to be considered by the Council, or the Council Committees, should be submitted in writing to the Town Clerk, Mr S. Vinson, 3/5 West Street, Liskeard. PL14 6BW

Consultation Sessions

The Mayor will be available for consultation by prior arrangement by telephoning Trudy Chatting, her Secretary, on 01579 559 563 weekdays between 9am and 1pm.

Qualification for co-option as a Town Councillor

The Town Council may co-opt as a member any person who is legally qualified to hold such office, and who is willing to serve, provided he or she satisfies at least one of the following qualification categories:- Download full document .  Further details can be found on our Be A Councillor page.